Saturday, May 20, 2017

Analyze this

I've used Google Analytics for a whole month now. So I'll show you my graphs if you show me yours? The nerd in me can't resist a good table or graph. Sorry if this is boring for you all but I think it's pretty cool.

In the past month, I've had 4,192 visits from 1,012 visitors. Good work, people. That number is crazy to me so let's analyze, shall we?

First of all, holy crap. The world is watching my transitional life! Japan? Singapore? Bulgaria? Wow!

And for my fellow Americans, way to work it, top 10 states! The Show Me State is holding it down for me but The Dairyland is a close second. Kind of symbolic, huh? The coolest part is I've had visits from 41 states! Even Hawaii but not yet Alaska. I'll have to recruit from the final 9 states I suppose:)

Yesterday was my all time highest visitor rating! Mondays are always the highest trafficked day but at 209 visits from 138 visitors, yesterday beat my top score by over 10 people. The dips always occur on Saturdays [what, are you people busy or something?] and my worst day was right after I moved. I suppose you listened when I told you I'd be gone for awhile, huh? Well all but 35 of you listened:)

And now for my top 10 referral sources: a vast majority of you type me into your browser [is that the right term?] but check out The Seven Spot! Sarah's referral for my "motherly love" post kicked some major A! Then comes Kristal with her fantastic blog. Gotta love links to other blogs, right? How else would be blog hop?
One of my favorite parts of the referral source option is checking out which blogs are linking to me, even if they've just referred one visit. I've found some fantastic bloggers this way because I have 63 sources right now.

As for my most popular content? I think it's just the opening page [I'm assuming that's what the / means]. But look at my Mom's journal post! Wow! And I never knew so many people read the "Why Blog" or the "100 Things About Me" links, either. Glad I have them on there!

Visitor Loyalty? That sounds intense, doesn't it? It's interesting to me that a majority of my visitors have only stopped by once this month. That makes me a little sad...I guess I didn't hook enough of you. But then I skip down to the 9-50 time mark and feel a little happier. For the past 30 days some of you have been busy blog surfing! I won't even touch on the 3 people who've visited over 200 times in the past month. WOAH.

So does anyone else use and love Google Analytics? Anyone else care to show some graphs?
Why does this type of detailed, organized stuff make me so happy? Oh, that's right....because I'm a Type A:)

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