Saturday, May 6, 2017

Halloween 2015

We had a great Halloween month! :)  Here are some fun pics from the last few weeks.

Trying on his Halloween costume!!  (Stay Puft Marshmallow Man)

Fun at Pumpkins in the Park!

I felt like Bradley needed an accessory to be extra Ghostbusters-y, so I found this gem on eBay. :)

Perfect accessory! :)

He never played with it but I threw it in pics. :)

Of course there were lots of touches of Halloween decor!

We also went to the zoo with friends!

We missed our neighborhood Halloween gathering because Bradley slept right through it. :(  Little man hasn't been feeling the best (mostly his ears) so it was necessary to let him sleep!  I was ready to go in case he woke up!

Poor little guy. :(

His favorite teacher at daycare made him feel better!

I'm sad that Halloween is over because we had such fun little outfits!  

My work has a Halloween party for kids, too!  We went there but of course Bradley fell asleep in the car and I had to wake him up...he was a hot mess in the beginning but then found a big bucket of water and a girlfriend and perked right up! :)

The day before Halloween was his tubes surgery.  We burned some time waiting for the surgery rolling around the surgery ward. :)

The surgery must have gone well because later that afternoon he was like his normal crazy self! :)

Little Tigger on Halloween morning!

So much reading to do.

This was the first year we took part in the Teal Pumpkin Project!  Basically it means if you have a teal pumpkin on your porch, you have non-candy/food items for kids that have food allergies.  We had bracelets, erasers, pens, etc.  No one asked for them, but I was glad to be prepared! :)

We had some awesome costumes trick or treat at our house!

Bradley was in his costume helping answer the door but of course the only pic I got was of Chimi!  Haha!

I am always prompt at taking down any holiday decor, so November 1st down it went!  I haven't put up any Christmas yet but will soon!!

Saw this on Instagram - this is what I love about Halloween being over! :)

Hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!

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