Thursday, June 22, 2017

Aug 9 Help Me Choose Part 1

If you follow me on Instagram (MrsJuliaGoolia), you might remember that a few weekends ago I roped Nate into hanging eight picture frames on our dining room wall. This whole measuring and leveling and planning thing is right up his alley and totally not up my own. I prefer to guess and hammer a nail wherever my eyeball so desires. And since I knew I wanted these eight frames to be centered and symmetrical, I knew my husband was the correct choice for this project.




We used to have two canvases on this wall and it recently started to bug me because this wall is huge and the two canvases just didn't fill up the space well enough for my tastes. I knew I wanted a lot of BIG photos on this wall and am really into the repetitive look of identical frames hung at the same distances, as opposed to a variable pattern like we used to have at the duplex.

(This is the best picture I could find without searching my Flickr for years. Kind of love this one of Truman with me and my parents, when Nate graduated PT school. Over two years ago!)

ANYWAY. Enough reminiscing.

I am really into the clean, symmetrical look on my walls now. So I bought these eight white frames from Michaels, after looking seriously at Crate and Barrel and Pottery Barn. Nate told me to 'splurge on nice frames for a change' but I just couldn't do it. Because these from Michaels are not total crap, they were BOGO FREE, and $35 a pop. The ones I really loved from Pottery Barn were $40 and not buy one get one. Michaels speaks to my inner tight wad, I suppose.

The photograph is going to be 11x14 and the frame itself is probably 13x16 or something. Pretty huge. And I'm really excited to pick out my eight images to hang in these babies. I decided to go all black and white after some debate and all of the images will need to be verticals, of course.

This is where I need your help, my friends.

I can only choose eight pictures. I want one of those to be a wedding photo and I cannot, for the life of me, choose which one. I had a lot of fun pouring over the thousands of images we have on DVDs from our photographer. Probably a little too much fun, actually. Gah, over six years ago!!

Which one do you like the best?

A: From when we first saw each other in the hotel room, before the ceremony. Would convert this to black and white.

B: In the hotel still, before we left on the trolley for pictures (all before ceremony). Love this one.
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C: From the 'around the city' shots we did before the ceremony. Would convert this one, too. Very posed but still pretty classic.

D: The Kiss!
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E: The first dance. Love how we are laughing and so happy here. Such an amazing day in our lives.
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F: Another first dance shot. It's blurry but it's always been a fave.

G: In front of the red brick wall that is gray here;)
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H: Kissing in front of said wall. I would lighten this one up a bit. Not sure why it's so dark.
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I: Another posed one, would need to convert.

Opinions on the wedding picture to be hung on our wall???

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