Sunday, June 18, 2017

Snow Night not day

I just couldn't resist. Look at this progression:

10 am today: Lots of bushes, clear sky.

4 pm today: bushes are becoming covered, skies full of snow.

8 pm tonight: no bushes whatsoever, but skies are more clear. Plus a giant snow drift!

This is what was at our doorstep during this excursion. That drift is sick! I estimate at least three feet because it goes up to my hips.

Our street looks very safe, huh?

There's Nate over the drift.

It's so pretty. Like a miniature mountain:)

Our tree is still hanging in there, just barely.

Henry got to come out again but had to wear his winter sweater to prevent dingles.

Ah, look, a plow! But wait....if you look closely you'll see the plow isn't actually touching the ground. Great job there, boys. Get it done soon, okay?
I will most likely have to work tomorrow because the hospital is absolutely swamped and they sounded rather desperate for help. I'll call first thing in the morning but I'm planning on working, so no more snowy fun tomorrow [or painting, or packing, or numerous other projects I'd like to complete.]

Oh what a day!

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