Sunday, June 25, 2017

Big Time Miscellany

1. I decided to treat myself this weekend and bought a pound of decaffeinated Alterra coffee for my own personal pleasure. I also bought this amazing mug and voila....I'm enjoying coffee on weekends again! Still decaff, and only on weekends, but my how I missed this ritual. There is nothing better than lounging around and sipping on a cup-o-joe, even if it doesn't pack the punch:
2. Speaking of weekends, let me whine for a second. I knew this summer was going to be freaking insane with traveling for showers, weddings, parties, visiting friends and believe me it is worth every second to see amazing friends/family who live so far away. But remember that I also have to work weekends for my job, usually 5 or 6 weekend days in a four month period. So I counted it up and from the beginning of May until the end of September, I have had exactly 6 weekends out of a possible 22 that did not include work or travel. Six, you guys. Isn't that a little pathetic? I was so looking forward to this past weekend because it was going to be #7 but alas, I am a softy and went in to work for 3 hours because they were absolutely swamped and nobody else could help. Eh, the overtime pay won't hurt and I talked myself into being okay with it mentally, too. But seriously, in my next life I'm going to keep nearly all of my weekends open without travel or work to just get caught up on everyday life. Sounds like a brilliant plan to me!

3. Is anyone wondering how Henry is doing with his training? The answer is pretty much fabulous but not yet perfect. The last time his trainer came to the house we purchased one of her Canine Genuis toys which houses food and treats. It's like an amped up Kong that keeps the little bugger mentally stimulated and boy does he love this thing. It's so cute to see him figure out how to dump it upside down and see the kibble spill out. Nate and I cannot stop laughing at him when he's Mr. Smarty Pants conquering the Canine Genius.


(If Henry was a human child, I would want this to be his school picture. Don't you think he looks so cute here?)

4. It's Packer season in our household which can only mean one thing: Nate screaming at the TV and Henry strutting around in his Packer jersey with pride. Boys will be boys. Please tell me his little chest hair puffing out from the top isn't the cutest thing ever.

Tail wagging=blur of happiness.

And no, we do not mention the curse word 'Favre' in this house anymore. Please do not get Nate started.

5. On my super productive Saturday, before I went into work, I tackled an organization project that has been bugging me for months. I cleaned out every storage area in our tiny bathroom and re-organized the hell out of it. But once I pulled everything out I was slightly overwhelmed...
The end result is freaking fabulous, if you ask me. And I didn't stop there since I went into the kitchen and reorganized a few more cabinets in there. It scares me to think that when the baby comes I won't have the luxury of staying organized. I'm thinking asking Nate or the in-laws to watch the babe while I go to town and clean the heck out of the house might be my best bet. Or maybe I just won't care anymore (doubt it).

6. I'm throwing Hannah a baby shower in St. Louis on Halloween and cannot freaking wait. I really haven't talked too much about her pregnancy but she is due on December 1, was my maid of honor and I was hers, and we were best buddy roommates all through college and beyond. Knowing each other for 10 years means we have gone through a ridiculous amount of milestones together and I am so excited to raise our kids together. They will be about 3 months apart and I'm quite sure they'll be best buddies....especially if they are in the same city and state. :)

But anyway, lots of fun ideas for her shower. I also have a secret project underway that I'm really excited about and here is a preview:
7. I really need some new underwear. I am obsessed with my old school Vickie's Secret 'Body by Victoria' undies because they are the only kind that do not give me a wedgie. But of course they don't make the exact kind that I love anymore. You see, my butt is rather flat and sort of long so I think that all underwear just naturally cuts into my's so unfair, I hate it. I've spent way too much money on other kinds of undies hoping they are anti-wedgie but so far no luck. I'm thinking of trying those Jockey briefs on TV. You know the one with the chick from Scrubs talking about how she doesn't have to dig into her butt for her underwear anymore? Yeah, those look pretty awesome. Any suggestions? And no, I will not wear a thong for everyday purposes. I've tried some boy shorts but they still ride up on my bum.

8. I'm all about reading pregnancy/birthing/parenting books right now. Well, I haven't actually done a lot of reading besides my What to Expect book and a few other 'Your pregnancy' type books. But I have a long list of books I want to borrow from the library or buy used and want to share them for opinions and other ideas:

-Great Expectations
-The Ultimate Breastfeeding book by Dr. Jack Newman
-Baby Wise by Gary Ezzo
-Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy
-Your Best Birth by Ricki Lake
-The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy
-The Happiest Baby on the Block

Anyone read any of these or have other 'must reads' for me? I love to read books and if it weren't for my book club group at work I would have a hard time finding the time. But I've gotten better about trying to squeeze in some time right before bed lately.

Oh, and non-pregnancy books I want to read or will read for our book club include:
-Middlesex (next to read for the club, I've heard great things!)
-Stroke of Insight (medical people can't get enough of medical stories, you know)
-Still Alice (another medical one about Alzheimers)
-Stori Telling (because I love her)

For those of you who read I really love the Goodreads site. It helps me remember which ones I want to read and which books I already read.

Is that enough miscellany for you? I guess it's been awhile:)

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