Sunday, July 16, 2017

Brain Dead

Note to self: Painting walls for 7 hours straight will greatly deplete your brain cell count.

Other note to self: We are NOT moving again for a very, very long time. And when we do, it will be a move to our first house, which should be our 'forever home.'

As an update for some of my newer readers: we are moving into a duplex owned and lived in by my wonderful in-laws. They live downstairs and we will live upstairs. We each have our own separate entrances, kitchens, baths, and two bedrooms. The duplex is 80 years old and absolutely adorable but needs a lot of work. And we are moving on Friday, so we are slightly overwhelmed.

I spent the entire day painting the family room and bedroom. They are totally fabulous now but my head still hurts from the fumes. Oh, and my back, hands, and arms all hurt from lugging the fourth round of boxes out of my car. Four car loads down and only a few more to go---then it's up to our movers to do the rest. I've decided that I'd rather gouge my own eyes out of my head before I start a career as a mover. It totally sucks and automatically puts me in a grouchy mood. Why have we accumulated so much CRAP in the eight short months we've lived together?

Enough of my griping, how about some pictures??

I present to you: Olivine family room.

The pictures are a little dark because the sun sets at freaking 4:00 these days but you get the idea. Two whole coats plus some trim work. There is a small trim at the top of the ceiling, before the curve begins. We left that off-white but I'm thinking of doing a khaki color to off set the ceiling a bit and tie in the toffee color in the dining room. We'll see.

The boys worked on hanging cabinets today. So far so good! I overheard lots of curse words and self praise which always makes for a fun day.

I also completed one coat of our Stone Fence gray in the bedroom. It looks very blue in natural light but turns more gray without it.
Same trim at the top here, which I'm also thinking of painting a khaki color. And yes, I had to rock pigtails today because my hair refuses to stay out of my face these days. And pigtails totally say, "Time to kick some painting ass."

So now Nate is at work and I just took a hard core nap. Tomorrow he works again so I'll make the trip to the duplex solo and finish painting the bedroom and start the dining room. Geez this is a lot of work in a short time but it's going to be worth it!

On another note, the high for tomorrow is 2 degrees. That will make it all the better for moving boxes and hating life in general:)

Another thing that really stresses me out is the fact that we may not have internet for awhile once we move. For a computer junkie like myself this could spell a nervous breakdown. My in-laws currently have dial up [I know, it's shocking] and we are trying to convince them to modernize with Wi-Fi. We'll gladly pay the difference but I'm worried it won't pan out in time. I may be sneaking trips to a coffee shop to blog for awhile. And I'm totally serious.

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