Saturday, July 22, 2017

Wall decor

Since I'm in the mood to decorate our place [but instead, I'm forced to slave away polyurethaning the kitchen all weekend], I thought I'd post about johnmurphy photographs.

I found this post on Desire to Inspire [one of my favorite blogs]. I am obsessed with these photos and even more with the frames!!

All of these are $150 but the last blue framed art is a whopping $600!! For a lowly newlywed like myself that is a bit steep, but it gave me a good idea: what if you found some of these awesome vintage frames in their original state [probably a gold or wood] and tried to paint one for yourself? Does anybody frequent garage sales? Cause I bet you could find some of these beauties and dress them up yourself. I personally think a wedding photo would look perfect in this type of frame because it'd feel very old and classic. And I usually like clean and modern, so who knows why I love these so much---it must be the bright colors:)

Then there is the "I'm a blogger" statement piece from Etsy seller sfgirlbybay:
I call it the blogger piece because a lot of people have blogged about it, and apparently anyone who owns this piece is a secret blog reader of some sort. This beauty is only $25 and much more my typical style: clean, PINK, and uplifting. It does not come with a frame so wouldn't it be perfect in a hand painted vintage frame? And I'd never get away with the pink so my second pick would be this spring green [gee, pink and green? you don't say.]. It'd go nicely with our new Olivine wall color, no?
And while I'm on the subject of framed art, Etsy seller Alicia Bock is the bomb. I know I already posted some of my favorites before but I love her photographs. And they are reasonably priced at $35 [frames not included]. Check out my new faves:

I already have an arsenal of framed art just waiting to be displayed on our walls, but we have so much to do before the "decorating" stage. So until then I can just dream of owning new and exciting decor SOMEDAY.

And now I'm off to apply 600 coats of polyurethane, and prime, paint, sand, wipe, and generally despise our kitchen cabinets. I won't even start on the walls or flooring because it's not even on our radar yet. Lots of work, you guys. And we're trying to finish this beast by the time my Mom comes in two weeks [for our own sake, Mom, not because you are a kitchen snob and demand a working kitchen]:)

Pictures to follow if I still have active brain cells...

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