Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Attack of the SKORT!

BEFORE: a lowly runner, stuck in a time warp wearing a sports bra from high school, 'cheerleading' shorts, and a ribbed cotton wife-beater.Please note how slow and uncomfortable she looks. Chafing, hot, and outdated.

AFTER: A successful trip to REI during their summer sale and $350 later [combined between said runner and her husband]

Outfit #1: Ready for running, biking, and possibly swimming if needed. Tight shorts [read: REALLY tight] and tank top equip this runner to be 'hard core':

And slightly scary. This is definitely a no-nonsense outfit, no?

Outfit #2: Tight capri pants [still REALLY tight] and a pink shirt, ready to wick away moisture while remaining stylish:

Please note that these types of outfits inspire said runner pose like a model in a fitness magazine.

Outfit #3: mesh tank top and a SKORT!!! She did it, folks. She took the plunge and bought a running skort. No turning back now....

Yes, she is a dork but strong and determined to run 26.2 miles. And if this pimped out skort makes her feel happy, who's to argue? The Nike Personal Best Running Skort is surprisingly comfortable and adorable, and not to mention on sale! Boy shorts underneath mean running sans lacey underwear:)

Here was the runner up: the REI OXT Fleet Skirt. But it was a little TOO frilly with those flaps, and it flared out too much. A girl can ease into this skort wearing for now, right?

Significant research went into these purchases. Upon closer investigation, it was discovered that skorts are all the rage. All over the place. Coveted by many. For instance, in Athleta there was this plethora of skorts:

And these statements:

But the best description went something like this: "Passing the guys on your run is hard enough for them, but imagine their surprise when you cruise by in a skirt." Girl power, baby.

And so on our 9 mile run today, I shall don this combination: skort plus hard core tank. Wish us luck! Any votes for The Marathoning outfit? Never too early to think about The Big Day, right?

[on a side note, my running partner and husband has run exactly ZERO miles this week. That's right, nada. I've been a good little runner and followed the training plan to a tee, going 3, then 4, then another 3 miles this week. Nate has just been studying his face off, so we shall see what happens as a result.....]

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