Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Ho Ho Ho off to Santa we go!

Today we went to see Santa. 
The morning started off rough when Claire refused to get dressed.
She wanted to wear her Santa pj's to go see Santa.
I tried to get her to wear the skirt & sweater I had picked up, but she wouldn't get changed. 
I decided to pick my battles & told her she could wear her jammies. She was in a mood.
The 5 minute car ride to see Santa was a fun one. See above pic. Yikes.
I brought her outfit just in case she changed her mind.
But, honestly, I hoped she stayed in her jammies because how HYSTERICAL would that be?
My girls have grown out of their crying Santa picture phase, so wearing jammies would be pretty funny.
Our town has the cutest set up for Santa. While you wait in line, an Elf makes kids balloon animals/candy canes/snowmen for free! They won't even let you tip them!
While we waited, my sister Elyse showed up. She had just finished her first half marathon! 
She rocked it in 1:53!!!  
Elyse was running for World Vision to raise money for clean water in Africa.
She is still short of her goal, so if you want to donate to a good cause & give clean water for Christmas, check out her donation page HERE. All donations are tax deductible. Even $5 helps!

Luke was looking grumpy, so I was keeping my fingers crossed that he would give me my crying Santa pic that I love so much.
Luke wasn't sure at first & Claire decided in the parking lot to change her clothes, so here is our 2012 Santa Photo:
Luke warmed up to Santa quickly. Kate asked for a Playdough Ice cream machine & Claire asked for a Minnie Mouse kitchen.
 Of course we had to get a picture of the brother cousins, Luke & Jack (both rocking the argyle sweater vests)
 Dropped our letters in his mailbox & Santa 2012 is in the books!
Now, I just have to wait until next year to see if Luke will give me my crying Santa picture.
Fingers Crossed :)

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